Share your videos with friends, family, and the world. ... <看更多>
Share your videos with friends, family, and the world. ... <看更多>
#1. A' Design Award and Competition
A' Design Awards is a premier annual juried design competition that honors the best designers, architects, engineers, design studios, brands and design oriented ...
#2. A' Design Award & Competition - 首頁| Facebook
A' Design Award & Competition, 科莫。 44750 個讚· 142 人正在談論這個。 The A' Design Award and Competition is for designers, innovators and companies.
#3. A Design Awards
A' Design Award and Competitions exists to recognize, celebrate and promote good design, designers and emerging talent in multidisciplinary design fields.
#4. What is A' Design Award & Competition?
A' Design Award aims to provide a global audience for award winners to showcase their success and talents to. The A' Award and Competition aims to act as ...
#5. A' Design Award (@adesignaward) • Instagram photos and ...
5903 Followers, 0 Following, 24 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from A' Design Award (@adesignaward)
#6. 2021 義大利A' Design Award - 獎金獵人
意大利A'設計大獎賽創建於2010年,是目前世界上規模最大、種類最多的綜合性設計比賽。旨在發掘和表彰全球範圍內最卓越的設計、技術和創意,為獲獎者提供 ...
#7. 2021 A' Design Award and Competition - 點子秀
2021 A' Design Award and Competition 延遲期限:2021年02月28日。參評對象:面向全球範圍內所有從事藝術、建築、時尚、傳播和產品相關行業的設計師、建築師、品牌 ...
#8. A' design award and competition |
the A' design award and competition is an internationally-renown honors platform that aims to recognize, communicate and promote good design, creators and ...
#9. 義大利A' Design Award歷年20件熱門獲獎作品經典回顧!
來自義大利,全球性指標設計獎項A' Design Award and Competition(以下簡稱A'Design)於2010年創辦,是目前世界上規模最大、種類也最多的綜合性設計 ...
#10. 2020-2021 A' Design Award 傅瓊慧、李肯綺麗甜品店勇奪銀獎!
自2010年創辦至今,連年為上百種設計領域菁英舉辦的義大利A' Design Award,從其名稱以帶頭的英文字母「A」為首,加上角分符號「'(Prime)」, ...
#11. A' Design Award and Competition | LinkedIn
Winners of the A' Design Awards will be granted the highly coveted A' Design Prize which contains 3D printed metal trophy, professional certificate, and a ...
#12. A' Design Award - YouTube
Share your videos with friends, family, and the world.
#13. A' Design Award | Tag | ArchDaily
The A' Design Award is an international award whose aim is to provide designers, architects, and innovators from all architecture and design fields with a ...
#14. A' Design Award & Competition熱烈開放報名中!
A' Design Award aims to underline the best designs and products. The award-winning products and designs are highlighted to the international public via gala ...
#15. 首屈一指的世界設計大獎2022 A' DESIGN AWARD 現正熱烈徵 ...
義大利A' Design Award旨在向世界宣揚優秀的產品和服務,其賽事受到國際平面設計協會聯合會(Ico-D)、歐洲設計協會(BEDA)等世界知名組織認可, ...
#16. A' Design Award (@adesignaward) / Twitter
The A' Design Award & Competition has a philanthropic goal to advance society by pushing the frontiers of science, creativity and technology.
#17. 【得獎紀錄】城市之光榮獲A'Design Award and Competition ...
得獎作品. 2018-2019年A'Design Award and Competition 室內空間與展覽設計(Interior Space and Exhibition Design Category) 銀獎.
#18. A' Design Award_百度百科
A'设计大奖赛是全球领先的国际年度设计比赛。是一项被国际平面设计协会联合会ICOGRADA、欧洲设计协会BEDA所认可的国际赛事。同时,它也是ICSID(国际工业设计协会), ...
#19. 2018 A'Design award Silver winner | 理絲室內設計
adesign award Design Gatto Bianco interior silver winner 理絲室內設計 白貓散步. Related News. 2018 A'Design award Bronze winner ...
#20. 義大利A'Design Award - 成晟室內裝修設計
2017 A'Design Award 銅獎替新家注入阿曼飯店氛圍. 作者 [email protected]發表於 六月5, 2017 六月5, 2017 分類得獎作品. 成晟室內裝修設計版權所有© CHENG-SHENG ...
#21. Design Award
A' Design Award & Competition is the Worlds' largest annual juried design competition that honors best designers, architects, and design oriented companies ...
#22. A' DESIGN AWARD | Meng Chih Chiang
Apple Daily Newspaper. A talented Taiwanese woman won Bronze Award in Italian Design Oscar by Wei-Li Ding 2016/07/12.
#23. 【A'Design Award & Competition】 官方得獎報導-張宅
張宅– Retro song of New York Residential House. This case takes the reproduction of the New York memory serves as the design inspiration.
#24. 榮獲設計界的奧斯卡A'Design Award 設計大獎| Nine eyewear
來自義大利的A'Design Award 是全球領先的國際年度設計比賽,是一項被國際平面設計協會聯合會ICOGRADA、歐洲設計協會BEDA所認可的國際賽事。
#25. 2019 A' DESIGN AWARD設計大獎年度得獎公佈台灣設計大放 ...
素有「設計界的奧斯卡」之稱的義大利國際設計大獎A' DESIGN AWARD (A'設計大獎賽),2019年最新得獎名單已出爐,今年台灣一樣有不少知名設計師報名參賽 ...
#26. DOUXTEEL兩項產品榮獲義大利「A Design Award 」
透過產品設計師與工程技師的竭力精心打造,經過反覆嘗試不同金屬工藝與工法,製作出兩項獲得國際級肯定的產品。 「義大利A design 銀獎」作品: 峽谷藝器.
#27. A Design Award - DesignCurial
A' Design Award & Competition is one of the World's most diffused international annual juried competition for design. The A' Design Awards ...
#28. Design Awards
The ultimate goal of the A' Design Award is to push designers, artists, architects, agencies and brands from across the globe to create superior products and ...
#29. A'Design Award | News | COMINFO, a.s.
EasyGate Superb - the slimmest, fully equipped speedgate in the world has been awarded the Bronze A' Design Award 2020 in Security and Surveillance Products ...
#30. A' Design Award and Competition - STIRworld
The A' Design Award and Competition is held in pursuit of recognising excellent design works that were proposed and completed within the last 10 years. Every ...
#31. 【麗境設計】2019-2020 A' Design Award Lilian多元美學贏得 ...
本文由OPEN編輯部撰寫自2010年創辦至今,連年為上百種設計領域菁英舉辦的義大利A' Design Award,從其名稱以帶頭的英文字母「A」為首, ...
#32. A' Design Award & Competition - Bustler
A' Design Award & Competition promises fame, prestige, publicity and international recognition to all A' Design Award Winners through the A' Design Prize which ...
#33. 得獎紀錄 - 開物設計
義大利A'DESIGN AWARD. :: 韓國K-DESIGN AWARD ... TAIWAN TID AWARD室內設計大獎商業空間類決選 ... 美國IDA AWARD銀獎. :: 德國INSIDE AWARD. :: 日本JCD BEST100.
#34. 2020義大利A' Design Award 微自然喜獲三獎
2020義大利 A'DESIGN AWARD鐵獎閣樓公寓 2020義大利 A'DESIGN AWARD鐵獎45度轉角的風景
#35. ¿Qué es A' Design Award & Competition?
El objetivo de A' Design Award es canlizar la atencón de la prensa, medios interactivos, críticos de diseño, distribuidores y compradores hacia los galardonados ...
#36. 愛菲爾新竹店
義大利Adesign award 獲獎. 風格. 現代簡約. 門市. 愛菲爾新竹店. 設計師. 楊文瑋. 作品「Light - 光」 於2020-2021 榮獲| 義大利A′ Design Award |
#37. 榮獲義大利A'Design Award A'Design 鐵獎–蘇倍慶設計師
榮獲義大利A'Design Award A'Design 鐵獎–蘇倍慶設計師- 采顥建築室內設計公司-高雄室內空間設計專家.
#38. AWARD 得獎紀錄 - 冠宇和瑞設計事業
IPA 英國國際地產大獎Asia Pacific Property Awards (2019-2020) 榮獲Winner. 2018 ∣ 銀獎 ... 2018 ∣ 優勝. 義大利A'Design Award 榮獲Interior Design Competition.
#39. 設計鬼才邱炫達榮獲2020 A'DESIGN AWARD一銀二 ... - 浩室設計
素有「設計界的奧斯卡」之稱的義大利國際設計大獎A'DESIGN AWARD (A'設計大獎賽),20...
#40. PRESS GLASS SA headquarters with A'Design Award 2021
A'Design Award & Competition is one of the largest competitions in the world, in which awards are granted for example for the best design, ...
#41. 享譽國際!嘉義林管處2項設計作品榮獲義大利A'Design Award ...
其中林務局嘉義林區管理處運用於推廣林下經濟的「林下良品」(Underforest:Select)及阿里山國家森林遊樂區四季行銷活動「四季森林式生活」(Alishan Forest) ...
#42. 2017義大利A'design Award 銀獎-室內設計獲獎紀錄
2017 義大利A'design Award 銀獎/ 室內設計. 前個報導 · 返回列表 · 下個報導. 想要了解我們的服務報價? 與我們聯絡. 填寫諮詢表單. 聯絡資訊 ...
#43. 設計鬼才邱炫達榮獲2020 A'DESIGN AWARD一銀二銅 ... - MSN
素有「設計界的奧斯卡」之稱的義大利國際設計大獎A'DESIGN AWARD (A'設計大獎賽),2020年最新得獎名單已出爐,浩室設計總監邱炫達分別以(浩室 ...
#44. 鴻樣報導l 自由時報設計師鄭惠心A'Design Award奪雙金一銀
評論關閉了. Copyright © 2019 鴻樣室內裝修設計有限公司| Web Design By SGI.
#45. A' Design Award and Competition
The A' Design Award is given to best designs; both concept stage, prototype or finished products are accepted. UNIQUE TROPHY. The A' Award Trophy was designed ...
#46. A' Design Award & Competition 2021 Last Call for Entries
Another year passes and it's time once again to register for the A' Design Award before it's too late. It's your final call to make the ...
#47. 打造了全球最大「設計王國」的A' Design Award,有多厲害?
A' Design Award(A『設計大獎賽)是全球領先的國際年度設計比賽。是一項被國際平面設計協會聯合會ICOGRADA、歐洲設計協會BEDA所認可的國際賽事。
#48. A'Design Award 2020 - SAPIENS design EN
The A'Design Award is one of the most influential design awards awarded every year in Italy and emphasizes the excellence of design on the international scene.
#49. 三項作品榮獲意大利A'Design Award 2020一銀獎與二銅獎
A' Design Award & Competition (, the World's largest and most diffused international design awards announced results of the ...
#50. Drop, A´Design Award Winner IRON 2015 - Light & Life
Drop, designed by the Arkoslight design director, Ruben Saldaña, has been awarded the A'Design Award 2015 for its design quality and innovation.
#51. A'Design Award and Competition 2021/22: Call for Submissions
A' Design Award & Competition is the world's leading ... The A' Design Prize is a comprehensive winners' kit for awarded designs.
#52. 榮獲2019義大利A'Design Award 室內空間設計
【獎項特輯】磐石設計股份有限公司Parn shyr Design|義大利A'Design Award 得獎作品特輯. 23 9 月 2020; By psdesign. 磐石設計股份有限公司榮獲2019 ...
#53. A'Design Award|一研設計陳宗瑩住宅作品
A'Design Award|一研設計陳宗瑩住宅作品—Line Composition Rhythm. 風光明媚的夏日時節,正是適合拿下光榮獎牌的耀眼時刻,全球頂尖設計 ...
#54. 玳爾設計榮獲2020-2021 義大利A' Design Award 室內及展演 ...
感謝義大利A' Design評審團的青睞,讓玳爾設計有幸榮獲2020-2021年度「室內及展演空間設計」類別的「銀獎」! 也感謝全力支援我們的業主,讓玳爾能盡情闡述日式美學。
#55. 台中室內設計推薦芽米勇奪:2020 義大利A'Design Award 鐵獎
義大利a design award-台中室內設計推薦. 芽米團隊貫徹「以人為本」的精神,以嶄新視角詮釋年輕現代卻又不失穩重的都會風格,演繹出眾格調之作!
#56. A' Design Award & Competition Archives - IGNANT
Design · A' Design Awards & Competition – Very Last Call For Entries · ignant-adesign-award-and-competiton-da-chang-muslim-.
#57. 2019 義大利A'Design Award 銅獎- 作品集 - 龍雲室內裝修
2019「近界」榮獲- 義大利A'Design Award 銅獎- 作品集- 龍雲室內裝修.
#58. A' Design Award Gala Night - Chatter Design
A' Design Award Bronze. > Branding. > Graphic and Visual Communication. > Gala Night in Como Italy. > Award Ceremony. We are so glad to get invited by A' ...
#59. A'Design Award for the new PULS Innovation-Lab in Vienna
In May 2019, the Swiss architecture and design studio Evolution Design once again received the prestigious A'Design Award - this time for its outstanding ...
#60. No.5 加工廠榮獲2019 義大利A'DESIGN AWARD 設計大獎
譽為「設計奧斯卡」的義大利A'DESIGN AWARD,每年皆會在眾多投稿件中挑選出鶴立雞群的設計作品,本次NO.5加工廠,投稿兩件室內設計作品屏中2018-2019 ...
#61. 再次恭賀《天木聚落》榮獲2018-2019義大利A' Design Award ...
再次恭賀《天木聚落》榮獲2018-2019義大利A' Design Award銀獎. 『A'Design Award』蔚為世界最具影響力設計獎,全球最具權威年度設計賽事,譽有歐洲 ...
#62. A' Design Awards | Dezeen
Dezeen promotion: architects and designers have until the end of February to submit their entries to this year's A' Design Award and Competition.
#63. 2020驚奇的一年,義大利A'Design Award得獎結果出來了, 如下
2020驚奇的一年,義大利A'Design Award得獎結果出來了, 如下: IOX—銅獎悠遊—設計獎. aidan 16.03.2021 未分類 0. 0 Likes ...
#64. A' Design Award winners | Design Indaba
The results are in! A' Design Award & Competition announces its best designers and designs for 2013 to 2014.
#65. Iron A'Design Award Intersections - SSTEEL
Arts, Crafts and Ready-Made Design Competition A' Design Award Winner ... Francesco Cappuccio, the lead designer of the award winning art ...
#66. 榮獲義大利ADesign Award - 墐桐空間美學
【義大利A Design Award】公布2018-2019獲獎名單。 墐桐空間美學設計作品:餘白和沐光│事茶榮獲銅獎。 獲獎作品. 『餘白-Negative Space』. 此空間採用極簡主義的方式 ...
#67. Vaan R4 receives A'Design Award
The R4 was voted on by a professional jury as one of only seven winners in this category of this prestigious global design award. The selection ...
#68. 媒體| 報導| A'Design Award & Competition - ARIZON乾正设计
The German Design Award is sponsored by the German Design Council and awarded to companies and designers who are creative in design.
#69. A' Design Award獎章背後,品牌設計師如何將視覺與品牌結合
博紳品牌顧問榮獲2020 A' Design Award品牌平面設計一銀三銅殊榮。不僅是台灣之光,更是品牌結合設計作品獲得國際認可的里程碑。今天博紳品牌顧問內部 ...
#70. Eikon Exé wins the A'Design Award 2019 - Vimar
Eikon-Exe-Adesign-Award-2019-7Zuscbn. And this focus has recently given rise to Eikon Exé. Natural, prized materials, selected specifically ...
#71. 『夜暮之爍』榮獲A' Design Award 2021- Iron Winner獎
義大利A' Design Award 創建於2010,至今已邁入11年,象徵設計的最高成就,有歐洲的設計奧斯卡之美名,因此吸引各地極具創意的菁英角逐。在這場激烈競爭中,羅築空間 ...
#72. Yashinomi Premium Power wins "A'Design Award ... - SARAYA
Yashinomi Premium Power wins "A'Design Award & Competition 2019-2020" Package Design Gold Award ... yashinomi adesign award certificate.
#73. 賀! 仁愛路柯宅榮獲2018 [義大利A'Design Award] Interior ...
Facebook · Vimeo · YouTube. Swipe up for more. BACK · 最新消息. 賀! 仁愛路柯宅榮獲2018 [義大利A'Design Award] Interior Design Competition 銀獎. Loading.
We are pleased to announce that BE WATER Lamp have been awarded the Platinum A' Design Award in Lighting Products and Lighting Projects ...
#75. Best packaging design: Depot wins A' Design Award
From a staggering 35559 submissions, we're delighted our packaging design for Sisidyll won the Silver A' Design Award. Find out why here.
#76. Call for Entries: A' Design Awards & Competition - Trendland
Believing that the future is shaped by arts, design and technology, A' Design Award and Competition sees a need of good design for a better future.
#77. A' design award & competition – call for entries | ITSLIQUID
A' Design Award and Competition - Call for Entries A' Design Award and Competition ( is looking for the best designs, design ideas, ...
#78. A' Design Award and Competition 2021 – Call for Entries - Tuvie
It's a prestigious design award that provides a fair, ethical, and competitive platform not just for companies and design studios, but also for new, individual ...
#79. BlackVue DR650GW-2CH Awarded the Coveted A'Design ...
The A' Design Awards are the world's most influential and largest design awards, ... This award gives recognition to the excellence of design on the ...
#80. I won "PLATINUM A'DESIGN AWARD 2021" - Behance
3D adesign andre award caputo CGI design Majestic Platinum watch. More Like This. Save. Permalink. 3D adesign andre award caputo CGI design ...
#81. AA alumni MSSM Associates win Platinum A'Design Award for ...
MSSM Associates, a practice co-founded by EmTech alumni Revano Satria, Michel Moukarzel, Pavlos Schizas and Mohammed Makki have been awarded ...
#82. Nine eyewear 榮獲設計屆的奧斯卡A'Design Award 設計大獎
義大利舉行的設計人趨之若鶩的年度盛典A'Design Award ,堪稱設計屆的奧斯卡。
#83. 【橙采國際李沛瑩】大喜訊!2016-2017 A' Design Award獲得 ...
義大利A' Design Award& Competition是遍及全球地區最為廣泛的設計大獎,以享譽業界的高度影響力推廣優良設計作品,為設計圈提供一座公正舞台,鼓勵以 ...
#84. 2018 A' Design Award 銀獎- - 拾葉設計
share : Apr. 23. 2019 Award ────────. 2018 A' Design Award 銀獎. 2018 A' Design Award 銀獎. BACK. 拾葉設計. © 2019 LEAVES.
#85. 以藝術孕育未來的國際設計大賽A'Design Award&Competition ...
A'Design Award是全球性的設計競賽,每年會收到來自世界各地出群拔萃的優秀作品。官方表示:設計以"Ars Futura Cultura"﹝藝術孕育未來﹞為旨,美好的未來是由好藝術、 ...
#86. Rocksplit House Nominated for A'Design Awards - Cometa ...
Cometa Architects have been nominated for the ADesign Awards 2016-2017. Rocksplit House in the Greek Islands running for the A'Design Awards this year.
#87. A'DESIGN AWARD, Italy, Silver Winner, 2017 - Vadim Kibardin
Como, Italy, April 14, 2017 A' Design Award and Competition is pleased to announce that the furniture design The Only by Vadim ... ADesign Award 2017_3.
#88. 2020 A' Design Award 設計大獎 - 百二歲PAH JI HUE`
020意大利A' Design Award設計大獎是世界規模最大、最具影響力的設計獎項,也是設計界的最高成就!
#89. 榮獲2019 年「義大利A' DESIGN AWARD」 - 富億空間設計
我們獲得了2019年「義大利A' DESIGN AWARD」室內空間設計獎銅獎.
#90. A' Design Award & Competition 2013: Call for Participants
We appreciate any competition that values good design and offers more than just a few bucks as a prize. A' Design Award & Competition is a ...
#91. 碩班公告-義大利A'Design Award一金二銀 - 大葉大學設計暨 ...
大葉大學設藝學院碩士班的兩位畢業校友許盛鑫與林志明,分別以三項傑出作品一舉榮獲有「歐洲設計界奧斯卡」之稱的義大利2016-2017 A'Design Award一金 ...
#92. 2019 A'Design Award 設計界的奧斯卡 - 禾碩建築團隊
A'Design Award是一個全球性的世界級設計比賽。旨在評選出最優秀的設計、設計意念、以及產品和服務,並頒發獎項給優秀的作品。
#93. Golden A'Design Award for Zortrax M200 3D Printer
Zortrax has another reason to celebrate. Zortrax M200 was recognized by International Design Academy with Golden A'Design Award.
#94. Andamio wins Silver A'Design Award - ex.t
The A' Design Award & Competition is one of the best international design awards in the world. The best products, projects and services that ...
adesign award 在 A' Design Award & Competition - 首頁| Facebook 的推薦與評價
A' Design Award & Competition, 科莫。 44750 個讚· 142 人正在談論這個。 The A' Design Award and Competition is for designers, innovators and companies. ... <看更多>